Step 1:

Your Business or Venture is defined by the Services, Products and Industry best available to your needs. Knowing which direction or process is needed helps with the overall promotion of the Business profile.

Seth Godin, the Ultimate Entrepreneur for the Information age, once said “There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.”

The execute these ideas a firm and direct vision needs to be made regarding all aspects of your new Business, Name, Product, Location, Costings, Presentation, Media and Sales value.

Your first Step is to identify who and what your Business is going to be and become. Once you have identified the Business structure, determining which Industry and/or Product value it will be framed in allows for the execution of Domain Name parameters to be determined.

To guide you through please fill out the information below:

Full Name:



Email Address:

Define what your Business is?

Business Name:





Estimated Spend:

Define Prefix: .com,, net,, .au